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The Sugar Patch New Years Resolutions for 2018

The Sugar Patch New Years Resolutions for 2018

, by Ashley Bagwell, 5 min reading time

New Year’s resolutions for people with diabetes do not have to be greatly taxing or challenging. I've compiled a list of seven that can be stuck to with a little willpower and commitment.

With the new year underway, people with or without diabetes across the world will be committing themselves to New Year’s resolutions.

While success will often occur, many people will have likely broken these vows by March and forgotten even making them by May.

New Year’s resolutions for people with diabetes, however, do not have to be greatly taxing or challenging. I've compiled a list of seven that can be stuck to with a little willpower and commitment.

7.  Eat Less Chocolate for Hypos

We’ve all done it. People with diabetes prone to hypoglycemia (low blood sugars) can be very tempted to try and raise blood sugar levels by binging on chocolate or sweets.

My problem is that I like to eat chocolate or candy when I am not hypoglycemic, meaning that sometimes the candy is gone when I really need it.....oh and chocolate really does not raise blood sugar very quickly due to the fat content in it.  So truly, I just had chocolate available because I like chocolate.

To treat hypos, consume 10-20g of sugar, either in the form of glucose tablets or carbohydrates, and prevent the risk of consuming excess calories through chocolate binges.


6.  Find a Fun Exercise that You will commit to doing

Everyone vows to shed that excess Christmas weight in the New Year, and most will give it a try for a few weeks. Sticking to a long-term exercise plan, however, can be harder.

People with diabetes are urged to exercise to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and keep better blood sugar control.

The World Health Organization recommends adults get at least 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise, five days a week, or a vigorous 75-minutes of activity during the week.

Do an activity that you haven’t tried before, or an exercise you enjoy to ease you into a long-term program. Great examples of aerobic exercise, which can help with speedy weight loss, are swimming and cycling.

A great activity that my hubby and I enjoy is hiking.  We enjoy taking some moderately difficult trails at a pace of about 3 miles per hour every day that the weather permits.  We also enjoy taking pictures of the wildlife and nature along our hikes, making it so much more enjoyable too.


5. Go Easy on Processed Food

Diet is a common New Year’s resolution, with many diets employed by people with diabetes such as low-carb and low-calorie.

Certain diets may not be for everyone, but one thing everyone can do is cut down on processed food. A general rule of thumb is that the more processed a food is, the worse it is for your health.

Very processed foods, such as fast food, processed meats and high-sugar breakfast cereals tend to include highly refined carbohydrate, added glucose, sugar and salt. These can all have adverse affects on your blood sugar levels and result in needless calories being consumed.

Processed foods generally have no nutritional benefit so when you see “ingredients” such as potassium chloride or calcium propionate, be sure to stay away.


4.  Improve A1C

The higher the HbA1c reading is in people with diabetes, the greater the risks are of developing diabetes-related complications such as retinopathy, neuropathy, and diabetic nephropathy (kidney disease).

The aforementioned elements of diet improvement and exercise will help with this, while you should also examine nutrition labels on food packages scrupulously to keep your calorie intake low.

Focus on keeping good control of your blood sugars and diet so your next HbA1c reading comes back with a positive result.


3.  Change needles and lancets after every use!  LOL

“They are for single use only, but it’s up to you if you want to re-use them, I don’t always change them after every bg test, but do change the lancet each and every morning,” writes one of our Diabuddies.

This is a point of contention for most people with diabetes, with many often holding different views regarding needle and lancet usage.

Many of us will sometimes go days before replacing injection needles and lancets for blood testing, but they are designed for single use only, and at the least, should be changed once a day.

Repeatedly using a lancet will make it blunt, and more painful to use, so change your needles and lancets once daily at the minimum to avoid bruising and unnecessary pain.

To make it easier on myself, I started using lancets that come in a drum that only allows one use per lancet, and when I have used the 6 that are in that drum, I change the drum.


2.  Don't let yourself feel like you are alone.

Diabetes can feel quite overwhelming at times, especially if your blood sugars won’t come under control and physically you don’t quite feel yourself.

I decided to post this as I have been giving some thought if any members may feel isolated or alone in coping/dealing with their Diabetes.  Do you ever feel ‘alone’ as a Diabetic?

It is a tremendous shame that some do, but nobody should have to feel alone because of their diabetes. If you do, there are options to help you feel better.

Aside from the wonderful Diabetic Online Communities where I have made so many Diabuddies that I have truly grown to love, discussing your emotions with family, your Endocrinologist or a health care professional will also make you feel better. You can get things off your chest that may have been getting down and you may pick up some education that can help your control as a result.


1.  Set Realistic Goals

People can feel down when they set goals and fail to meet them, this is perfectly natural. However, rather than dwell on missing a target, set more realistic, temporary goals.

Focus on day-to-day achievements such as reducing blood glucose levels or eating a fewer calories with your meals.

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