If you do not already have the Deck My Diabetes GripShield™ for the Mobi™ pump, please visit the Deck My Diabetes website to order yours today!

When you have your Deck My Diabetes GripShield™ for the Mobi™ pump ordered, come back to The Sugar Patch to order your hypoallergenic overlays designed specifically for the GripShield™.
The Sugar Patch overlays can be worn vertically or horizontally with the direction of the GripShield™.
Our patches do not contain or include any type of medications or prescription items. They are latex free, and are made solely for the purpose of keeping your pumps and sensors securely attached, while bringing a smile to the not-so-fun stuff that goes with having diabetes.
The patch designs shown are digital images and the actual patch may have a slightly duller appearance due to the porous material used.
Please, refer to your physician or device manufacturer for any questions that you may have regarding the use of medical tape or patches.
**THE SUGAR PATCH LLC is not affiliated with Tandem Diabetes Care, or any other medical device manufacturer.